

Posted by Cheson on February 27, 2017

1. 概述

  然而移动设备的特性决定了用户可能随时随地会使用设备,那么休眠的时机就变得非常不明确了。于是Android上提出了Opportunistic suspend这个概念,通俗的讲就是逮住机会就赶紧休眠一会儿直到下次被唤醒,而这个机会就是系统没有任务需要处理的时候。由此就衍生除了autosleep机制和wake source的概念。Android的休眠是一种自动休眠,当系统中不存在唤醒源时就进行系统整体休眠。相比于Linux内核中复杂的单独模块休眠管理(Dynamic PM),Android的此套设计方式简单粗暴,但是实实在在的解决了移动设备上面临的燃眉之急。
  或许等读完本篇文章之后能让你产生更好的解决方案并有志去改一下Android PM子系统的代码,那我将不甚荣幸。在本篇末,我也会附上我个人的几点想法,希望有志同道合之友一起研讨。

2. Frameworks层

  Frameworks层这部分的设计思想比较简单,主要是:电源管理通过监测display的状态,当灭屏时则发起休眠的流程,调用native层的方法继续往下走。这里就很好的体现了前文提到的Opportunistic suspend概念,伺机休眠这里的“机”的第一层就是以灭屏作为契机的。果然是简单粗暴的判断,但是非常实用,从用户角度来将,灭屏的现象确实是让设备休眠的理想触发。当然,在灭屏时需要后台处理任务的情况也是存在,所以在后面流程中会继续判断是否真正能够进入休眠。接下来从代码角度解读下frameworks层的实现。

    // Initialize display power management.
            mDisplayPowerCallbacks, mHandler, sensorManager);


    public void initPowerManagement(final DisplayPowerCallbacks callbacks, Handler handler,
            SensorManager sensorManager) {
        synchronized (mSyncRoot) {
            DisplayBlanker blanker = new DisplayBlanker() {
                public void requestDisplayState(int state, int brightness) {
                    // The order of operations is important for legacy reasons.
                    if (state == Display.STATE_OFF) {
                        requestGlobalDisplayStateInternal(state, brightness);
                        if (state != Display.STATE_OFF) {
                        requestGlobalDisplayStateInternal(state, brightness);
            mDisplayPowerController = new DisplayPowerController(
                    mContext, callbacks, handler, sensorManager, blanker);

  首先是在DisplayPowerController中收到MSG_UPDATE_POWER_STATE消息,随后经过一系列的回调了DisplayBlanker接口的requestDisplayState,其中每个细节不是这里的重点就不展开一一分析了。   然后是尾,DisplayPowerCallbacks接口的onDisplayStateChange方法在PowerManagerService中

    public void onDisplayStateChange(int state) {
        // This method is only needed to support legacy display blanking behavior
        // where the display's power state is coupled to suspend or to the power HAL.
        // The order of operations matters here.
        synchronized (mLock) {
            if (mDisplayState != state) {// display的状态发生改变
                mDisplayState = state;
                if (state == Display.STATE_OFF) {// 灭屏
                    if (!mDecoupleHalInteractiveModeFromDisplayConfig) {// 默认false
                        setHalInteractiveModeLocked(false);// 关闭交互模式
                    if (!mDecoupleHalAutoSuspendModeFromDisplayConfig) {// 默认false
                        setHalAutoSuspendModeLocked(true);// 开启autosleep模式
                } else {// 亮屏
                    if (!mDecoupleHalAutoSuspendModeFromDisplayConfig) {
                        setHalAutoSuspendModeLocked(false);// 关闭autosleep模式
                    if (!mDecoupleHalInteractiveModeFromDisplayConfig) {
                        setHalInteractiveModeLocked(true);// 开启交互模式


    <!-- Power Management: Specifies whether to decouple the auto-suspend state of the
         device from the display on/off state.

         When false, autosuspend_disable() will be called before the display is turned on
         and autosuspend_enable() will be called after the display is turned off.
         This mode provides best compatibility for devices using legacy power management
         features such as early suspend / late resume.

         When true, autosuspend_display() and autosuspend_enable() will be called
         independently of whether the display is being turned on or off.  This mode
         enables the power manager to suspend the application processor while the
         display is on.

         This resource should be set to "true" when a doze component has been specified
         to maximize power savings but not all devices support it.

         Refer to autosuspend.h for details.
    <bool name="config_powerDecoupleAutoSuspendModeFromDisplay">false</bool>


    <!-- Power Management: Specifies whether to decouple the interactive state of the
         device from the display on/off state.

         When false, setInteractive(..., true) will be called before the display is turned on
         and setInteractive(..., false) will be called after the display is turned off.
         This mode provides best compatibility for devices that expect the interactive
         state to be tied to the display state.

         When true, setInteractive(...) will be called independently of whether the display
         is being turned on or off.  This mode enables the power manager to reduce
         clocks and disable the touch controller while the display is on.

         This resource should be set to "true" when a doze component has been specified
         to maximize power savings but not all devices support it.

         Refer to power.h for details.
    <bool name="config_powerDecoupleInteractiveModeFromDisplay">false</bool>

  解读:这里描述了系统的可交互模式和display的耦合关系。当设置为false时,两者为耦合的关系,在display状态on之前setInteractive(…, true)设置为可交互;在display状态为off之后设置为不可交互。而如果为解耦状态,那么交互模式也将可以被独立设置不论display的状态如何。
  我们还是来继续看auto sleep的流程,当灭屏时,调用PowerManagerService的setHalAutoSuspendModeLocked(true)

    private void setHalAutoSuspendModeLocked(boolean enable) {
        if (enable != mHalAutoSuspendModeEnabled) {
            if (DEBUG) {
                Slog.d(TAG, "Setting HAL auto-suspend mode to " + enable);
            mHalAutoSuspendModeEnabled = enable;
            Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_POWER, "setHalAutoSuspend(" + enable + ")");
            try {
            } finally {


3. Native层


    static void nativeSetAutoSuspend(JNIEnv* /* env */, jclass /* clazz */, jboolean enable) {
        if (enable) {
            ALOGD_IF_SLOW(100, "Excessive delay in autosuspend_enable() while turning screen off");
        } else {
            ALOGD_IF_SLOW(100, "Excessive delay in autosuspend_disable() while turning screen on");


3.1 休眠机制初始化

init_log   1、首先是调用到com_android_server_power_PowerManagerService.cpp的nativeSetAutoSuspend,因为在开机过程中不允许系统休眠,所以会进一步调用autosuspend_disable()来禁止系统休眠。

    static void nativeSetAutoSuspend(JNIEnv* /* env */, jclass /* clazz */, jboolean enable) { 
        if (enable) {
            ALOGE("chendongqi-libsuspend: nativeSetAutoSuspend go into autosuspend_enable()");
            ALOGD_IF_SLOW(100, "Excessive delay in autosuspend_enable() while turning screen off");
        } else {
            ALOGE("chendongqi-libsuspend: nativeSetAutoSuspend go into autosuspend_disable()");
            ALOGD_IF_SLOW(100, "Excessive delay in autosuspend_disable() while turning screen on");


    int autosuspend_disable(void)
        ALOGE("chendongqi: libsuspend autosuspend-->autosuspend_disable start\n");
        int ret;
        ret = autosuspend_init();
        if (ret) {
            return ret;
        ALOGE("chendongqi: libsuspend autosuspend-->autosuspend_disable middle\n");
        if (!autosuspend_enabled) {
            ALOGE("chendongqi: libsuspend autosuspend-->autosuspend_disable autosuspend_enabled is false\n");
            return 0;
        ret = autosuspend_ops->disable();
        if (ret) {
            return ret;
        // add for wakeup_source debugger
        if (autosuspend_debugger_ops) {
        autosuspend_enabled = false;
        ALOGE("chendongqi: libsuspend autosuspend-->autosuspend_disable end\n");
        return 0;


    static int autosuspend_init(void)
        ALOGE("chendongqi: libsuspend autosuspend-->autosuspend_init start\n");
        if (autosuspend_inited) {
            return 0;
        autosuspend_ops = autosuspend_earlysuspend_init();
        if (autosuspend_ops) {
            goto out;


    if (sPowerStatefd < 0) {
        strerror_r(errno, buf, sizeof(buf));
        ALOGW("Error opening %s: %s\n", EARLYSUSPEND_SYS_POWER_STATE, buf);
        ALOGE("chendongqi: libsuspend autosuspend_earlysuspend_init error first time!\n");
        return NULL;
    ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(sPowerStatefd, "on", 2));
    if (ret < 0) {
        strerror_r(errno, buf, sizeof(buf));
        ALOGW("Error writing 'on' to %s: %s\n", EARLYSUSPEND_SYS_POWER_STATE, buf);
        ALOGE("chendongqi: libsuspend autosuspend_earlysuspend_init error second time and goto err_write!\n");
        goto err_write;


        return NULL;


    ALOGE("chendongqi: libsuspend autosuspend-->autosuspend_init phase 2\n");
    autosuspend_ops = autosuspend_wakeup_count_init();
    if (autosuspend_ops) {
        goto out;


    if (state_fd < 0) {
        ALOGE("chendongqi: libsuspend autosuspend_wakeup_count-->autosuspend_wakeup_count_init phase 0\n");
        strerror_r(errno, buf, sizeof(buf));
        ALOGE("Error opening %s: %s\n", SYS_POWER_STATE, buf);
        goto err_open_state;


    if (wakeup_count_fd < 0) {
        strerror_r(errno, buf, sizeof(buf));
        ALOGE("chendongqi: libsuspend autosuspend_wakeup_count-->autosuspend_wakeup_count_init phase 1\n");
        ALOGE("Error opening %s: %s\n", SYS_POWER_WAKEUP_COUNT, buf);
        goto err_open_wakeup_count;


    ret = sem_init(&suspend_lockout, 0, 0);
    if (ret < 0) {
        strerror_r(errno, buf, sizeof(buf));
        ALOGE("chendongqi: libsuspend autosuspend_wakeup_count-->autosuspend_wakeup_count_init phase 2\n");
        ALOGE("Error creating semaphore: %s\n", buf);
        goto err_sem_init;


    ret = pthread_create(&suspend_thread, NULL, suspend_thread_func, NULL);
    if (ret) {
        strerror_r(ret, buf, sizeof(buf));
        ALOGE("Error creating thread: %s\n", buf);
        goto err_pthread_create;


struct autosuspend_ops autosuspend_wakeup_count_ops = {
        .enable = autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable,
        .disable = autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable,


    ALOGE("chendongqi: libsuspend autosuspend-->autosuspend_disable middle\n");

    if (!autosuspend_enabled) {
        ALOGE("chendongqi: libsuspend autosuspend-->autosuspend_disable autosuspend_enabled is false\n");
        return 0;

    ret = autosuspend_ops->disable();
    if (ret) {
        return ret;


    while (1) {
        ALOGE("chendongqi: libsuspend autosuspend_wakeup_count-->suspend_thread_func start!\n");
        ALOGV("%s: read wakeup_count\n", __func__);
        ALOGE("chendongqi: libsuspend autosuspend_wakeup_count %s: read wakeup_count\n", __func__);
        lseek(wakeup_count_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
        ALOGE("chendongqi: libsuspend autosuspend_wakeup_count-->suspend_thread_func phase 1!\n");
        wakeup_count_len = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(wakeup_count_fd, wakeup_count,


3.2 正常休眠


    static int autosuspend_init(void)
        ALOGE("chendongqi: libsuspend autosuspend-->autosuspend_init start\n");
        if (autosuspend_inited) {
            return 0;


    ret = autosuspend_ops->enable();


    ret = sem_post(&suspend_lockout);


    wakeup_count_len = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(wakeup_count_fd, wakeup_count,

  在这里休眠流程中,没有wakeup event需要处理,这里不再阻塞,从log也可以看到,读取设备节点有了返回结果。然后接下来调用了sem_wait函数来拿到信号量资源,用来保证写设备节点时的互斥性。
  之后会将前面读到的wakeup_count回写到设备节点sys/power/wakeup_count中去,这个操作是为了判断,从上一次到当前是否有新注册的wakeup event和正在处理的wakeup event。
  如果没有的话才会去往/sys/power/state中写入mem,如果有新的wake event需要处理则会继续陷入到read的方法中去。

    ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(wakeup_count_fd, wakeup_count, wakeup_count_len));
    ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(state_fd, sleep_state, strlen(sleep_state)));


4. Kernel



